Student group discount: 10 tickets with 25% discount
As an audience member you can attend Speak UP! Saturday 30th of May, Doors open 12:45
Start from 13:00 to 16:00 hours.
UNLP - Institute for Communication and Personal Development, Fahrenheitstraat 99, 1097PP Amsterdam
Take a screenshot or make a print of your receipt that you receive in the mail, because this is your ticket for the Speak UP! event.
Early bird: until May 1st 2020 discount on your ticket price!
Regular Ticket: Great seat, wonderful atmosphere.
VIP: best seat, unlimited coffee / tea, exclusive photo / video session with the speakers.
Student group discount: 10 tickets with 25% discount bring your studentcard, CJP, or University ID.
Note: photography and video recording will take place during the event. By participating you agree to a quit claim for all images that were recorded on location during the Speak UP! event. All images, still or moving, are the property of Speak UP! and copyright protected by Speak UP!
All tickets are subject to availability. Tickets that have been sold once are non-refundable.